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PrimeReact components internally use PrimeIcons library, the official icons suite from PrimeTek.


PrimeIcons is available at npm, run the following command to download it to your project.

npm install primeicons --save

Getting Started

PrimeIcons use the pi pi-{icon} syntax such as pi pi-check. A standalone icon can be displayed using an element like i or span

<i className="pi pi-check" style={{ marginRight: '.5rem' }}></i>
<i className="pi pi-times"></i>


Size of the icons can easily be changed using font-size property.

<i className="pi pi-check"></i>

<i className="pi pi-check" style={{ fontSize: '2rem' }}></i>

Spinning Animation

Special pi-spin class applies continuous rotation to an icon.

<i className="pi pi-spin pi-spinner" style={{ fontSize: '2rem' }}></i>

List of Icons

Here is the current list of PrimeIcons, more icons are added periodically. You may also request new icons at the issue tracker.